Occupational Therapy –
A Bridge to Your Child’s Next Level

Do you have concerns about your child’s development?

Your child is not yet 5 years old, and you are worried.

For some time now, he or she has not been progressing as expected in certain areas.

Maybe his language is not progressing as it should, or perhaps her fine motor or gross motor development is behind.

Maybe his or her walking is behind. Maybe he bumps into things a lot. Maybe she still crawls a lot.

Or you might not even be sure yet if there is a problem, and you want him or her evaluated.

Good advice is not forthcoming.

You’ve spoken to your pediatrician about it. He or she is telling you that they don’t have a name of a special type of therapist, an occupational therapist, who evaluates and works with babies and young children.

You may have been advised to contact the Board of Education Committee on Special Education to have them refer you to a therapist who evaluates and treats very young children. But you would rather not go through the red tape that is the Board of Education.

You want to address the problem now rather than later.

You have the resources to immediately get him or her evaluated, and you don’t want to wait for someone else to decide your child’s fate.

You don’t want to take months to go through a bureaucratic process. You recognize time is of the essence, and there is no better time than now to get your child the help he or she needs.

What if I told you that the sooner you act, the better chance we have of helping your child overcome his difficulties?

When these skills are not in sync, normal development can be delayed.

Each child is born with their own gifts and talents, and many do fine on their own.

Other children, who we call star children, are often gifted in some unique ways that might not be easily recognized.

Language and fine motor skills develop together. Therefore, developing fine-motor skills develops language. Exciting gross motor activities evoke spontaneous language.

About Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy addresses fine motor, gross motor, perceptual motor, balance, and a variety of other sensory delays through rewiring of the brain and retraining of muscles from head to toe.

It works with the child’s mind and helps them gain control of their body. Many children classified as autistic or behavioral problems are gifted and know what they want their hands and bodies to do intellectually but are unable to make it happen.

They cannot make their small bodies work.

Occupational therapy can help your child.

I am Maurena Talbot, an occupational therapist who can help your child and you discover their special gifts, enabling them to move forward in their development.

In my 26+ years of working with children 0-5 years of age, I have helped hundreds completely overcome delays so that they graduate to the mainstream and are viewed by the school as age appropriate. And I can do the same for you.

All it takes is simply a telephone call.

Give me a call at (917) 720-6086, and we’ll discuss your baby’s or child’s situation by phone for free. Then you can decide if you would like me to evaluate your child.

The evaluation will result in a report that I will send to you outlining exactly where your child stands in several areas of his development, along with recommendations as to next steps.

And then, if appropriate, you can decide if you want to work with me to get your child to the place he or she needs to be for their age. Perhaps even further than that!

Our Sessions

Sessions typically are between 30-60 minutes, once or twice a week, allowing me to work intensively with your child and get much accomplished in a short amount of time.

You can either be there with your child observing or leave him or her and return close to the end of our time.

To begin the work with your child, you will need a doctor’s note prescribing occupational therapy between 1-4 times per week, depending on recommendations.

Expectations from Working with Me

If you decide to have me work with your child, you will see him or her make progress. You will see them do things you might never have expected.

I engage the kids I see not only on their therapy and developmental needs, but also their emotional and spiritual selves. I practice with love and respect for my clients, big and small.

Contact Information

Phone: (917) 720-6086; Email: Therapy4Growth@gmail.com